Medmain Speaks

~Official Blog~

We received the 2nd Japan Open Innovation Prize

Medmain Inc. and Kyushu Daigaku Kigyobu (a startup activity club of Kyushu University) were together awarded the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s award of the 2nd ” Japan Open Innovation Prize “.

Focus on the “Medmainer” - Takahiro Yamazaki

Takahiro Yamazaki - Sales

My name is Daiki, I work in recruitment and PR team at Medmain Inc. The member that we feature today in “ Medmain Speaks” is Takahiro Yamazaki from the sales team. Before joining Medmain, Takahiro was working as a medical representative at one of the major Japanese pharmaceutical companies. “What made him to be interested in the medical industry in the first place?” “What’s behind his decision to move from a pharmaceutical company to an IT startup?

Focus on the “Medmainer”-Leona Shinkai

Leona Shinkai - Sales

【Focus on the “Medmainer”-Leona Shinkai】Today, let us introduce one of our members from the sales team. What made her, who has international background join Medmain?

Our paper was published in “Scientific Reports” by Nature Research

We are delighted to share that our manuscript entitled “Deep learning models for histopathological classification of gastric and colonic epithelial tumours” by Koji Arihiro M.D., Ph.D. and Kei Kato from Hiroshima University along with Medmain members Osamu Iizuka, Fahdi Kanavati, Michael Rambeau, Masayuki Tsuneki, was published in authoritative Scientific Reports, a journal of the Nature Research on Jan 30th.

We started the official blog "Medmain Speaks"!!

we've launched an official company blog!

My name is Naoko, and I work in the human resources / public relations team at a health tech startup “Medmain”. I am happy to announce that we’ve launched an official company blog! As this is our first post, I’d like to start off with introducing about Medmain". “pathological diagnosis”? I would like to talk about “pathology” in the first place.What exactly is pathology? Many of you might have had experiences such as going in for a checkup for suspected cancer,and worried so much until you get the result.